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Hello! Listed below are resources I used during the development of this project as well as other ones that I thought would be helpful for anyone wanting to learn more.

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Annotated Bibliography

Auerbach, E. R. (1993). Reexamining English only in the ESL classroom. TESOL

         Quarterly, 27(1), 9. 
         Auerbach discusses the connection between language and power and what that entails in the ESL context. She discusses the push for English Only in the classroom and how it was a detriment to English learners. Auerbach promotes advocacy for language rights. This article was helpful in assessing the impact of language discrimination in a larger context. It was helpful since it was one of the first pieces I read that made me consider language discrimination and how that appeared in the world.
Adams, R. (2022, November 3). Bias against working-class and regional accents has not gone away,

         report finds. The Guardian.             regional-accents-has-not-gone-away-report-finds 
         The article talks about what accent bias is and how the discrimination for working-class accents in the UK can harm people’s career possibilities. BBC English or “the Queen’s English” is still considered the most prestigious accent despite the passage of time. The article being written in 2022 demonstrated that accent discrimination is still a very prevalent problem even within English as a first language speakers. Even though the material didn’t directly relate to my project it was still very insightful.
Bird, B. (2004). The Incredibles. Buena Vista Pictures.
           The Incredibles (2004) is an animated movie. The “Where is my supersuit” scene was used in reference to my dad’s, and family’s, habits. The quote was helpful in adding context to my project and I hope people recognized it. 
Hayes, B. (2009). Introductory Phonology. Blackwell Publishing. 
            Introductory Phonology is a book for giving readers an introduction to Phonology. Topics such as phonemes, morphophonology, syntax and more are discussed. I primarily used the text to give readers a general idea of phonology instead of diving into specifics. If anyone wanted to learn more about phonology I would highly recommend it as a general overview and reference for it.
IPA Symbols Chart Complete. International Phonetic Alphabet. (n.d.).

           This website has all of the IPA charts and symbols. They also describe different writing systems. I referenced these charts for the introductory phonology section because I believe it would be helpful for people to have a visual understanding of what I am describing. 
Lippi-Green, R. (2011). English with an accent language, ideology and discrimination in the United States (2nd ed.).                        Routledge. 
            This book talks about American attitudes towards language, especially within the classroom. She analyzes how the classroom curriculum supports and perpetuates social structures and unequal power relations. Lippi-Green covers discrimination related to multiple accent groups such as Black, Latino, and Asian groups. The book provides suggestions for further reading and exercises to help the reader understand the main idea of each chapter. This book was very helpful in setting up the initial stages of my project. 
Pierce, K. (2023, June 24). The impact of accents on cultural representation in film and TV. Language Academia.

            This article talks about how accents are a way for cultural representation in film and TV. Pierce discusses how accents can be a positive form of representation and are a device for storytelling in revealing what a character’s background is. However, Pierce also acknowledges how accents can perpetuate negative stereotypes. As such accent training for actors needs to be done carefully and it is the responsibility of the creators to do it with consideration. I thought this article was good for making me think about the impacts of accents in the media a lot more. Both media and accents were important to my project so seeing it combined here was insightful.
Rubin, D. L. (1992). Nonlanguage Factors Affecting Undergraduates’ Judgments of Nonnative English-Speaking Teaching

             Assistants. Research in Higher Education, 33(4), 511–531.
              Rubin talked about how perceptions of accent led to differences in impression of graduate student instructors (GSI). This is to show how accents are weighted differently depending on their origin. I thought this article was interesting since it shows how even higher levels of education are not except for accent discrimination.

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